Anjuman Baghiya (Muslim Graveyard) , Sector 56/58 , Gurgaon , Haryana (IND). Anjuman Baghiya (Muslim Graveyard) is Maintained by Haryana Anjman Charitable Trust (Regd) . also Provides Ambulance 24 X 7 . also provide coffin free of cost for poor and needy people . The Graveyard is under solar surveillance , that lightens the Graveyard at Night This Graveyard is actually running by the the contributions of the people . you can also contribute with us for the better continuity of this Graveyard by Becaming the Monthly Donator & also pursue your friends and relatives to be the Monthly Donator for the Graveyard's Better Continuity . Kindly visit the Graveyard . (Donation only in INR) For any Query Kindly email us at :


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